The Journal of Tourism Economics and Applied Research (JTEAR) is to provide a platform for researchers and professionals to publish their research findings, theoretical overviews, models, concepts related to travel & tourism economics and hospitality management with multidisciplinary research approach. More specifically, application–oriented and industry-interactive research findings are expected to discuss, disseminate and apply with most appropriate ways to travel, tourism and hospitality industry.
Travel, tourism and hospitality industry is one of the largest and also fastest growing industries in the world at present. It currently generates approximately 10% of world GDP and almost 11% of total employment of the world economy. With a clear understanding about the future prospects and available potentials related to tourism development, Sri Lanka has prioritized this industry as one of the key driving force for its socio-economic development.
Along with an impressive and record-breaking growth of the industry since 2009, there is an increasing demand for research, training and innovation to meet the current and emerging requirements of the industry. More specifically, contribution of application-oriented multidimensional research findings has now become more imperative for planning and development of travel, tourism and hospitality industry.
The Department of Economics will be able to make a significant contribution to fill this prevailing gap though introducing this journal by capitalizing following comparative advantages.
a) The Department of Economics has successfully completed its 1st master programme in Tourism Economics and Hotel Management (MTEHM) this year. Seventeen graduates were awarded master degrees at this year convocation. Furthermore, two more batches are currently following the MTEHM programme. This programme is a postgraduate diploma leading research based master programme (two-year), approved by the UGC in 2012, started in 2013. In addition, Diploma in Travel & Tourism Economics and Hotel Management (DTTEHM) and Executive Diploma in Event, Tourism and Hospitality Management (EDETHM) Programmes are also currently conducted by the university. All the students who have enrolled with these programmes should do their field surveys, industry study visits, assignments, extended essays and project reports as a part of their studies. The findings of these studies will provide a strong-base for providing research articles to this journal.
b) Though several local and foreign universities are currently offering first-degree and postgraduate/master degree programmes in travel, tourism and hospitality management and related areas in Sri Lanka, a research journal specializing in travel, tourism and hospitality studies has not yet been introduced by any of these establishments.
c) The experience and capacity of the students of masters and postgraduate diploma in tourism economics and hotel management at the Department of Economics will be one of the most decisive factors for the success of this journal in future. These students have thus far organized two research symposiums with the participation of industry experts and foreign academics (visit with two symposium publication (See attachments). Therefore, the JTEAR will have the potential to emerge as one of the most recognized peer reviewed journals in Tourism Economics and Hospitality Management in the region.
+94112582666 | +94718108210 | +94773518500
Editor in Chief,
Journal of Tourism Economics and Applied Research (JTEAR),
Department of Economics
Faculty of Arts,
University of Colombo,
Sri Lanka.